Hey there!!

I’m so excited you are here.

To formally introduce myself… Hi! My name is Amber Hopfer.

I’m a dog mom and taco enthusiast, never met a margarita I didn’t like, and I proudly never grew out of the horse girl phase.

I help people (yes, just like you) master their messaging with a crafty combination of casual & convincing messaging, with a dash of humor sprinkled in.

Cause let’s be honest, convincing random strangers online that you’re in fact the best at what you do is…tricky

Let me help you shift the way you sell by tickling your customers' emotional side.

The million-dollar question: Amber, how did you get here?

Let me fill you in on a little secret.

Behind the screen (ya know, real life) I’m not as cool, calm & collected as I appear online.


Think of me more as a walking stress ball that drinks too many PSLs and owns too many little dogs.

Is there a limit to the number of chihuahuas one can have? (Side note - if you want to send me cute dog pics, we will be instant bffs)

Stick around long enough and the chihuahua hairs will be stuck to your pants too. 


Because connections weren’t so natural for me, I had to learn the psychology behind how people tick.

Ya know, what they’re really looking for, how to turn on their emotional side, and how to persuade them to like me. 

(spoiler alert, that last one was the most important)

Now that I’m a marketer, I’m able to use my ‘social anxiety superpower’ to connect with the un-connectable people. 

Pretty cool, eh?

Before I worked in marketing, I worked in several high-traffic customer service jobs. 

Torturous, I know. 

And if you’ve ever been face-to-face with a woman trying to bring her emotional support parrots to your hotel…

(yes plural parrots and yes, a true story)

…You know that key communication is the only thing that will keep the crazy bird lady from

climbing over the service counter and sinking her talons into you.

And to answer everyone’s dying questions…

Yes, I did survive the encounter.

And also yes, the birds were super cute

By working in that environment, I learned some killer key skills that make me an excellent communicator.

  • By having to save myself with words, I know how to clearly communicate to the nay-sayers, the non - conformists, and the laggers of the world.

  • I’m great at creating ice-breaker jokes. Hey, sometimes even a blind squirrel gets a nut.

  • If I can handle disagreements as they’re happening, imagine how I am with time & preparation. That’s right, my Amazon reviews are 10/10.

In short, I’m absolutely & completely obsessed with helping business owners crack their copy and start making you $$$.

Cause why let words be the thing that holds back your business?

Master your messaging, today